Saturday, January 31, 2015

East Valley Corridor

DISTANCE: 2.1 miles
TIME: 35 to 45 running minutes round trip 
HOW TO GET THERE: The trail head begins or end deepening on your perspective at the termination of the northern end of California street in Redlands. Parking on the street is largely prohibited so be mindful of signage. 
TRAIL CONDITION: Excellent. This trail is offers concurrent paved and unpaved surfaces. The soil path is loose packed and it delivers a satisfying crunch under foot. It's as wide as single lane roadway, so feel free to bring a few friends to run with you. The concrete path is smooth, unbroken and wide enough to courage couples to ride side-by-side.  
NOTABLE TRAIL FEATURES: Offers excellent views of the San Bernardino Airport and Santa Ana river basin.
Trail location
The western most trail marker at the end of California Street in Redlands, Calif.

Wide trail lined with trees